Spotlight: Dawn Day

Spotlight: Dawn Day - MOD Sportswear


Meet one of our most loyal, most inspiring, most favorite, & most beautiful customers, Dawn Day!

We took some time to chat with Dawn about some her favorite things, her motivation to be a healthy super mom!

If you could describe your personality as an animal, which animal would it be?
I would be a lion. They represent power and strength. I try daily to be a powerful, strong woman for myself and my family. Most days I fail, but some days I amaze myself :) 
What is your go-to Starbucks drink?
Starbucks is my love language. My go-to is a skinny iced caramel machiatto.
What is one of your proudest accomplishments in life so far?
My proudest accomplishment would be being a Mother. I have prayed for these days and I feel I have been called to be a Mother. It's my ministry. 
What inspired you to become an advocate for a healthy lifestyle?
Honestly, It inspires me to inspire others. So when I know that I have inspired someone to make a healthy decision, or just even a good decision in life, it inspires me to live the best life I can.  Spiritually and physically. 
What would a perfect day look like for you?
On a beach, somewhere with my toes in the sand and coffee in hand :)
What is your biggest pet peeve?
People blowing their nose at the dinner table. I'll just excuse myself, something about snot. Not for me :)
How did you get into modest fashion?
I have been brought up to dress modestly. As I have become an adult and grown into my own sense of style, I have always remained constant in modesty. But fashionable, I am not sure. Whatever it is,  I like it :) 
Who's always in your corner whenever you need encouragement?
How much time do I have?! I have so many wonderful friends, family, and even my husband who have encouraged me when I have needed it. Whether it be in my healthy lifestyle or just a simple encouraging word to help me through tough days. 
What was your favorite part of 2017? 
I saw the ocean for the vey first time. Yes, I am 29 and I have just now seen the ocean. I stood there knee deep in waves and was in awe of God's beauty. I don't think you would understand unless you have been there. The beauty is indescribable. 
Do you have a favorite quote or slogan?
"Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created" Esther 4:14 
I remember when I first really understood that verse. I was facing a personal battle and I thought "I'll never get through this." Then shortly after I was helping someone go through the same thing, and I thought, "This is it!" These are the moments I have been created for. It may have been a hard battle, but I was created for it. I was made for it. I conquered it!  And the same thing goes for living a healthy lifestyle. We were created to take care of our temple and treat it the best we can. We only have one. 
What's one piece of advice you would give yourself if you could have 5 years ago?
You're going to fail. You're going to want to give up. Keep pushing, keep fighting, YOU WERE MADE FOR THIS, and you are going to inspire a lot of people. 

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